Not the best of scripting.. but does the job i want it to do, with a bit scratchy error reporting...
# connection variables for all AD
$SourceAD = Connect-QADService -Service SourceAD_DC.local -ca sourcedomain\admin -cp (convertTo-SecureString password123 -ASPlainText -force)
$DestAD = Connect-QADService -Service DestAD_DC.local -ca Destdomain\admin -cp (convertTo-SecureString password123 -ASPlainText -force)
#Gets group names from file C:\temp\GroupCopySource\GroupsA.txt (Source Domain1 Groups),
#which then gets all members in the group, string manipulation is done to get only username and groupname
#so that we can use them in Domain2 AD for comparing and adding group members
Get-Content C:\temp\GroupCopySource\GroupsA.txt | ForEach-Object -Process {$member=get-qadgroupmember $_ -connection $sourceAD | Select-Object -expandProperty SamAccountName;
$new = $_.split("\");
$groupfinal = "GSG-sourcedomain-$groupname";
$member > C:\temp\GroupCopyTask\$groupfinal.txt;
ForEach ($b in $member) {trap [Exception] { Add-Content c:\temp\GroupCopyJob\errors.txt $error" groupname = "$groupfinal"`n"; $error.clear(); Continue} Add-QADGroupMember -identity $groupfinal -member ("destdomain\$b") -connection $DestAD;
Add-content C:\temp\GroupCopyDest\$groupfinal"_copyresult.txt" $b}} > C:\Temp\GroupCopyJob\scriptoutput.txt
#clear all variables before being used.
Clear-Variable member
Clear-Variable groupfinal
Clear-Variable groupname
Clear-Variable new